Send all artwork to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please include the following in your email:
-Your name, phone #, mailing address, email address, and invoice # (example: 27654)
-The name of your Tri-State Trophies salesperson if you have been working with one
-A brief description of the art (example: ‘56 Chevy for Chevy Nationals)
You will receive an acknowledgment of your art by a return phone call or email from your salesperson. Please ask for this salesperson when you have questions.
CorelDraw - 17 or lower, Adobe Illustrator - 10 or lower, PDF, EPS, JPEG, PNG - ALWAYS convert text to curves/outlines before sending.
All photos must be sent as a JPEG or PNG 400 dpi or higher
NOTE: Vector art is preferred. It allows for the best quality print and images can be resized without loss of sharpness and detail
Any word processor documents such as: Microsoft Word, Word Perfect…etc.
Page layout program files such as: Adobe InDesign, QuarkXpress or Pagemaker
Anything you have taken directly off the internet.
Any logo or artwork with a copyright, unless you own the rights to use and duplicate it.